Zona : Yuya & Heki
Caratteristiche : Acqua oligo-mediominerale alcalina pH 9,4 Incolore, limpida, insapore, lieve odore sulfureo
Indicazioni : Nevralgie, dolori muscolari, dolori articolari, ecc.
Particolarità : Acqua sulfurea scivolosa al tatto ed efficace per combattere l'affaticamento.
Nii-no-hama Spider Lily Field
The spider lilies here bloom alongside the ocean, and are prefecturally-designated as a natural memorial
Mostra altroTawara-jima Island
This tiny island is situated at the tip of the Mukatsu Peninsula, a nationally-designated scenic area and natural memorial.
Mostra altroKawashiri Cape
This small promontory extends into the ocean from the northwesternmost point of Japan's main island of Honshu, giving it extraordinary panoramic views.
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