地區 : 油谷/日置地區
泉質 : 鹼性單純溫泉 PH9.4 透明無色、輕微硫磺臭
功效 : 神經痛、肌肉痠痛、關節痛等
特色 : 含有硫磺成分的泉水帶有「滑順感」,具有恢復疲勞的功效。
Yang Guifei Village
A Chinese-style garden constructed on a site with legendary ties to ancient Chinese beauty Yang Guifei
查看更多Nii-no-hama Spider Lily Field
The spider lilies here bloom alongside the ocean, and are prefecturally-designated as a natural memorial
查看更多Koutoku-ji Temple
During the right season, nearly 3,000 blooming hydrangea will greet you at this zen temple.